About / Privacy

EveryStudentLeader.com is a site to help you to start and lead a spiritual movement on your campus. We believe it is a wonderful privilege to be used by God to launch movements where students will come to know Jesus and enjoy the Christian life together.

We want you to know…

EveryStudentLeader.com was started by a nonprofit Christian organization named Campus Crusade for Christ (often called Cru in many countries). It is an interdenominational organization partnering with many Christian church denominations and Christian organizations throughout the world. Its goal is to help many people know Jesus Christ in a personal way.

If you want to read the specific legal privacy policy of our organization, it covers many diverse parts of the organization, and is much more encompassing and more complex than what would be needed if only for EveryStudentLeader.com. However, you’re welcome to view it.

We hope that God will work through your life in great ways to help others know God and his love for them. There is no other relationship we can experience that so completely satisfies the longings of the human heart and mind.